
History of Reymontowka

"Reymontówka" Rest House for Scientists and Artists at Chlewiska, Kotuń Commune, is placed among forests and meadows, 20 km west of Siedlce, 6 km away from the international route No. 2.

Aurelia i Władysław Reymontowie

It is situated in a monumental manor-house which was built for the Różański's family in the middle of the XIX century. Succeeding owners of the mansion and the adjacent manorial estate were Józef 

Helbich, Stefan Helbich and "Sparos" Land Company. In 1926, the manor-house and 300 ha. of the manorial estate was bought by Aurelia, Władysław Reymont's widow who designed part of her husband's Nobel Prize for that. Reymont had got this aword for the novel "Peasants".

Under Aurelia Reymont, Chlewiska was prosperous, among other things the eastward part of the mansion was added then as well as a new wicket-gate together with a fence of the Tatra Highlands style where erected. At that time a park and a garden were arranged, new paths were made and original trees, shrubbery and folowers were planted after the contemporary fashion.

In 1939, the mansion together with the manorial estate was bought by Feliks Tyminiecki - the chairman of "Węgloblok" Coal Company. In 1981, after recurring several times alternations of the owners the manor-house together with the park were bought by Department of Culture and Art of Voivodeship and "Reymontówka" Rest House for Scientists and Artists was created at that place.


Powiat Siedlecki

 Powiat Siedlecki